The Ventmatic Series is a compact, twin cartridge reverse jet cleaning filter.

t is designed primarily for rotary valve venting, as well as other low duty venting applications; and its twin valve cleaning system ensures 50% ‘free’ vent area during cleaning for when cleaning during operation is required, or where pressurisation of the filter chamber and associated discharge equipment could cause other process problems.

The optional fan gives ‘forced aspiration’ to the unit to negate positive pressure in the filter chamber


  • Filter area from 1.0 to 3.2m²
  • Up to +/- 0.1 Bar(g) operating pressure rating
  • 0.5 Bar(g) pressure shock resistant (PSR)
  • Optional 304 stainless steel construction and weatherproofing
  • Differential pressure (clean on demand) controller options
  • ATEX options available


  • Minimal maintenance requirements, ‘on-line’ cleaning system and long filter life
  • High efficiency guarantees air quality, eliminates production contamination, protects the environment and personnel

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