S Series oil mist filters

Compact | Quiet | Efficient

The industry-proven solution for extracting oil mist from manufacturing environments, trusted by world leading manufacturers since 1969.

Multiple Mounting Options

Filtermist’s S Series oil mist filters are compact, lightweight and designed to be directly mounted onto machine tools. They can also be fitted using floor stands and machine mounting brackets.

Mounting Options

Energy Efficient Oil Mist Extraction

Fitted with either 0.18kW or 0.55kW motors, S Series oil mist filter units are low energy users.

Stainless Steel

Filtermist FX and S series oil mist filters are available in standard mild steel construction and also stainless steel versions for use in hazardous or corrosive environments.

Stainless steel units

Tech Data

S Series GA afterfilter Drawing
Model Airflow m3/hr Motor 1 A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm F mm Weight 2 kg Noise 3 dBA
S200 180 @ 50Hz
215 @ 60Hz
0.18kW 50Hz
200v, 220v, 380v, 400v
0.18kW 60Hz
200v, 220v, 230v, 440v, 460v, 480v
260 302 30 73 423.50 324 8 62
S400 425 @ 50Hz
500 @ 60Hz
0.55kW 50Hz
200v, 220v, 380v, 400v
0.55kW 60Hz
200v, 220v, 230v, 440v, 460v, 480v
325 374 35 148 494.50 357 14 65
S800 800 @ 50Hz
950 @ 60HZ
0.55kW 50Hz
200v, 220v, 380v, 400v
0.18kW 60Hz
200v, 220v, 230v, 440v, 460v, 480v
325 427 35 148 543.50 357 15 67
  • 1 Motors to be used on specified voltages only.
  • 2 +/- 5% tolerance
  • 3 Results are in test conditions ± 3% tolerance. Local variations and in use conditions may affect readings.


All oil mist filters have a number of accessories available including high-efficiency afterfilters to purify the exhaust air.
