Filtermist is the exclusive UK distributor of Diversitech products

Why use a Thunderbolt ESP?

The Thunderbolt OMU range feature double pass ESP technology, is efficient to 99% and due to the compact size and built-in fan system OMUs can be directly mounted to machine tools. The ionisation voltage has been designed to run at a positive potential, reducing ozone production and making it ideal for indoor applications. Thunderbolt is a highly efficient oil mist and smoke collector, effective on all metalworking fluids.

Thunderbolt features

  • Filters particles down to sub-micron levels
  • Tested to 99% efficiency
  • Low operating costs
  • Minimal maintenance required
  • Compact design
  • Specifically designed for industrial applications
  • Energy efficient
  • Compact design

Tech Data

Electrical supply Max air volume m3/h Max power consumption Dimensions mm Weight kg
OMU600 200/240V 50Hz
1.3 Amp
up to 600 180W W 625 mm X H 420 mm
D 389 mm
OMU1000 200/240V 50Hz
1.3 Amp
up to 1000 280W W 625 mm X H 600 mm
D 389 mm
OMU2000 200/240V 50Hz
1.3 Amp
up to 2000 390W W 609 mm X H 690 mm
D 1076 mm

Engineer Support

If you need help, Filtermist offers expert application knowledge and maintenance services

Absolent approved
